Yes its that time again.....
Help us reach 230 followers and you could win our
~~Mystery Candy~~
All you need to do is
1- Pop our banner on your blog with a link back to here
2- Become a follower
3 - Leave a message on here - and let us know who's blog you spotted our banner on
Good Luck

Thanks for the chance I saw this in my blog feed :) added the button to my sidebar shouldn't take to long to reach your goal
hugs Nikki
Already a follower; saw this in my blog feed; off to add your badge to my side bar!
Hugs, Renee
Already a follower as I saw this on my blog feed. Have added your badge to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win.
ciao sono una seguace italiana...ho visto su blog feed
I'm a follower and spotted the banner on my blog's sidebar.
Thanks for the chance.
Hello everyone. Thank you very much for this chance to take part.
I am a follower, have added the banner to my sidebar with a Link back, and I saw the Banner on Lisa Jane's Blog (My Makes and Me)
Good Luck on reaching your target.
Happy crafting.
Love Sandra xxx
hi! Thanks for the candy!
Spotted your banner at
I already am a follower and spotted the banner on my blog's sidebar.
Thanks for these great chance, fingers crossed.
Big hugs, Anreda
Have added the badge and link to my blog and was already a follower, I spotted the badge on Lisa-Janes blog. Good luck with gaining your followers it looks like you are nearly there already =)
Lindsay xx
Awesome! Thanks for giving me the chance! I've posted the candy in my sidebar.
Hugs from Hilde
Hi all posted it on my blog thanks for this chance to enter.
I found you through Crafty Anny's
Hugs Linda
Followed all the rules. Spotted it on Nikki's blog,
I am already a follower.... I have your banner and your badge on my sidebar of my blog.
You are so close. Only 15 more.... YAY!!!
I put your badge in my blog... I saw the announcement at Audrey's.
I am already a follower... (Please, pick me, hehehe)
Ardilla :)
i'm already a follower! i love the crafty sentiments! good luck getting to 230 followers! x
Became a follower, placed button on my sidebar and saw your link from your challenge blog. Followed the link to you here...
Saw the challenge blog link thru Feline Playful.
I am your challenge blog follower and spotted about this on the challenge blog.. Placed the button on my sidebar...
Spotted from Crafty Sentiments Inspirations. Am joining & have had posted this challenge on my blog. Do check it out. Cheers!
I found you on Craftin Suzies blog thanks for the chance to win I am a new follower and put your banner on my blog as well.
Linda aka
Thanks for e chance to win some candy, I found you from craftin Susie's blog, I'm off to pop your pic in my sidebar
Hugs Kelly
I am already a follower and spied this banner on Craftin Suzies blog...but you were also in my blog feed too!
I am coming to England for the month of Aug...sure would be fun to win and use my stash over there!
Yay! I was #230! :)
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