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31 August 2011

New sneak peeks

Meet Annabel

She will be available as digi from next week

Here is another sneak peek of this  fab new baby character coming soon.
Isn't Lucy super cute?

Thanks for stopping by and remember our sale ends midnight tonight visit our website HERE


Sandy said...

Beautiful. love the colours and images and all the fab flowers, love the addition of the little heart locket too. Two delightful cards.

Kimberly said...

WOW!!! these are super stinkin cute. I just love how you embellish your cards...your designs and added detail are perfect. Boy i have a lot to learn. tfs

63 grader nord said...

Love the "trick or treat"! :0)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cards especially love the trick or treat one
Lindsay xx

Anonymous said...

lovely card thanks

professional logo design

khushifairy said...

The bat is not dominant at the right side of first card, also it's not going well together with this card's theme.
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